First, we've seen a new series of Y-8 Surveillance planes (High New 7?). This is kind of amazing, because it has some unique looking radar. I guess I'm just waiting for expert analysis on what the plane is for. Anyhow, here are the photos:
Second, I'm posting a link to the 3rd Yuan that is currently under sea test. Note, this one is not the new 039 variant, but just another hull of the 039A variant. Edited: now I'm going to post the pictures for the new Yuan below.
Also, pictures of Songs operating together from Modern Ship magazine.
Also, some photos of 810 in service. Nice shot of Type 76F
How many new Y-8s are being produced per year?
it's hard to say, really. What does appear to be true is that most of the new Y-8F400 and 600 produced are going for the High New Series. The Y-9 series is supposed to be the main platform when it's ready, but we still haven't even seen it taking the first flight yet.
The third Yuan under construction may mean serial production of this type. PLAN may be satisfied with previous modifications.
looks like it's under sea test already. Once Jiangnan starts to build Yuan, the pace will be quite impressive.
Feng, just wondering is China building more advanced attack submirne called 095??
That's what the rumour is saying, but we are not going to know for sure for a while. We do know that the reactor vessel for 095 is to be developed in this 5 year plan (2006-10).
Feng, what is your occupation? Like what do you do for living??
Another question, on the web everyone say F-16 and F-15 use turbo-fan engine, but my proffessor told me they are actually turbo-jet. Is that true?
i do software for living. F-15/16 use turbofan engine.
Cool, I am Aerospace Engineering major at UCLA.
So, you live in Canada. How is Canada, I heard it is cold there unlike California where here we got lots of sunshine!!
I'm from Canada, but I work in New York.
Feng, I just saw the news that the Bhindian AF will send more planes at our Boarder. Why won't we build more Airport in Tibet to counter such threats, I am tired of the bhindis taking advantages. Some time I just wish we can FIGHT them to the DEATH again just like 1962.
What do you think?
Feng, I just a viedo clip made by Hong Kong news. It says that China has bought A-50 from Russia. Is that true???
We study war to achieve peace.
There is no need for China and India to go to war again. More wars will just make other "parties of interest," e.g. US or Japan, that much happier.
The PLAAF may be in dire need for new Il-76 hulls to equip more KJ-2000s. Importing more A-50s may be a stop-gap solution?
don't believe those Hong Kong news. They are generally useless. As of IAF, they can station more planes over there, but it's not going to do any good. The Himalaya provides a nice natural barrier for both side. China's attention must be on the East side. And while they are friends with the Russians now, it could still be a problem in the long term.
Hi Feng and Jiang,
I am Bhindian or rather Indian (Bhartya in hindi). War is never a solution for anything. Chinese civilization is there for the last 5000 years so does Indian. Many enemy attacked India from central Asian empires to Iranian (Mugals) to Greeks etc and English. They come and got assimilated into our culture. These western (European and American) people have made great progress in last 300 years, but we are now moving ahead in many directions because we are not just good but great civilizations.
Have a nice day guys!
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